I’m still here!!!

I apologize for the silence! When I started this trip and this blog, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t fall behind on the writing and I almost succeeded. But the last leg of the trip was pretty hectic and for the past few weeks I’ve been held hostage by FUN up in Seattle. And I’ve been having some computer difficulties. But enough excuses.

After Arizona, I scooted up to Las Vegas for a weekend with Davis and then headed to California for a week bopping between Monterey and San Francisco seeing Lee and Sadie and Carrie and Thad and Eliza! The final stretch of the trip ended with the longest drive yet. I made a straight shot from Monterey to Bainbridge Island: jumped in the car at 1am, took a 30 minute nap in a parking lot, was forced to buy snow chains to be allowed through Grants pass in northern California , and finally rolled into Bainbridge at about 7pm for a raucous party celebrating Han and Ellen’s 24th birthdays. I’ve been here ever since, having so much fun with all the lovely people out in these parts and have picked up some part time work at Han’s dad’s shellfish farm!

Don’t you worry. This is not to serve as a blog post for these last few stops–there are many pictures to show lots of stories to tell. I’m just trying to end the silence for the time being.


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